New Scrivener workshops!
Scrivener("See the forest or the trees") is a software program that helps you write, organize, revise, and print just about any writing project you can think of—from novels to screenplays and cookbooks. I've been using Scrivener for my writing projects since 2013 and teaching writers how to use this software since 2014. I can't imagine writing without it.
This fall I'll be teaching two specialized workshops for Scrivener software (see specifics below). Join me and I'll help you take your project to the next level! These workshops are intended for users with some familiarity with the product. You can download a free trial of Scrivener here.
Special discounts for students who've taken my course before!
IMG DESCR: Open laptop on writing desk
Photo credit: Janine Kovac
Optimal Organization
September 12, 2020
11AM - 1PM (PDT)
Organization is the key to structure and Scrivener's tools for organizing can be just the thing to shape your writing project. This two-hour workshop covers labels, statuses, corkboards, index cards, keywords, and collections.
Early Bird offer: $55
After September 5: $75
Repeat students: $35
IMG DESCR: Open laptop on writing desk, reversed
Scrivener Secrets
October 3, 2020
11AM - 1PM (PDT)
While you might never use many of Scrivener's bells and whistles, it's nice to know what's out there. In this class, I'll cover distraction-free modes, techniques for monitoring revisions, outliner settings to track progress and more!
Early Bird offer: $55
After September 26: $75
Repeat students: $35
Email to sign up!
Middle Grade Reviews from Real Middle-Graders
"Mr Mikey" recommends:
Parked by Danielle Svetcov
In my opinion, Parked is a GREAT novel because of the the great characters and how its told from two perspectives; Cal who lives in a HUGE house across the street and is determined to help Jeanne Anne, and Jeanne Anne who is stubborn and living in a orange van (nicknamed The Carrot) who is desperate to get back to Chicago or find a job for her mother so they can live in San Francisco. While the two form an unlikely friendship, others don't like the vans on the streets as much.
Wagner's Thumbs up:
Harbor Me by Jacqueline Woodson
In my opinion, Harbor Me is a great book and fit for middle aged kids. Harbor Me is about six kids who are chosen to be in a room for an hour and talk, with no teacher. During these hours we (the reader) figure out that . . .
Spoiler alert!
Esteban's father was taken by immigration services, and Haley's (the main character) father is in prison and her mom is dead. You hear that Amari and Ashton can't play with Nerf guns anymore because a kid did, and he got shot dead by the police. And Holly is rich, and Tiago had a tiny dog who heard everything, and died.