Scrivener Offerings in the New Year!
Scrivener for Submissions
Saturday, January 16, 2021
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
The Wild World of Zoom
Learn how to apply Scrivener’s basket of tools to track cover letters, artist statements, and submissions. Make 2021 the Year You Submit! (Your work for publication.)
Familiarity with Scrivener required.
IMG DESCR: Author sitting cross-legged at desk writing notes that would be better collected in a software program.
Scrivener Basics
Saturday, February 6 and 13, 2021
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
The Wild World of Zoom
Scrivener Basics February 6: $85
Two-class package: Scrivener Basics PLUS Bonus : $125
New to Scrivener? This two-hour primer will go over everything the beginner needs to get the most out of this amazing software that helps you see “the forest or the trees.” I’ll cover Scrivener basics such as menu navigation, organization, compiling and “ScrivenerSpeak.” All students get discounts on future workshops!
One class isn’t enough? Come back the following week for Scrivener Basics Bonus Class on February 13!
Scrivener for Research
Saturday, March 13, 2021
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM PST
The Wild World of Zoom
Early Bird offer: $55
After March 1: $75
Manage the research rabbit holes with Scrivener!
This two-hour workshop is an in-depth look at all the ways Scrivener can help you track, organize, and collect documents and other research materials. I’ll cover the research folder, bookmarks, file imports, and keywords in addition to novel applications for old standbys such as index cards and labels.
Familiarity with Scrivener required.
Don’t hold back in your research rapture; just learn how to organize it.