The Book of Kid
Janine Kovac didn’t write The Book of Kid, but it is one of her indie publishing projects. It started as a classroom project for the school auction of Chabot Elementary as a book of parenting advice from third graders. The original book was a work that paired art (block prints) with suggestions for grownups. (Spoiler alert: kids want you to put your phone down and pay attention to them.)
The authors of The Book of Kid have generously decided to donate all royalties from book sales to benefit Emerson Elementary School in Oakland Unified School District.
Here's what some grownups had to say about THE BOOK OF KID:
“If you don’t want to wait until your child grows up to find out how you could have been a better parent, read this book of heartfelt and surprising third grade wisdom. These children know better than many adults what is really important. Their beautifully illustrated jewel of a book has a prominent place in the waiting room of my child psychology practice.”
“This little book has the potential to transform lives – if parents follow the sage advice in these pages, relationships can improve, children will thrive, and the benefits will radiate out into the world with positive repercussions for generations to come. I highly recommend this book for parents of young children everywhere.”
“The Book of Kid is evidence that kids hear and see and know more than we sometimes give them credit for. This book is chocked full of sound advice from kids to parents, advice that will help us be our best selves and also the parents our kids need. Read this book and then go play, listen, hug and challenge your kids. They’re begging for it!”
“Listen to your children, Put down your phone, swear less, don’t bad mouth family–easily the best parenting advice I’ve ever read, and straight out of the mouths of funny, honest, wise kids.”
“A great reminder for parents of kids of all ages: Kids are taking notes every time we swear, check our phones compulsively, or say something negative about someone else. This book is an inspiration to be the best role models that we can be. Moreover, this advice from children to parents mirrors what research shows is best for them; sometimes kids really do know best!”